3 tips to get the job over zoom

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Love it or hate it, it looks like Zoom is here to stay. Online interviews have become part of the recruitment process and knowing how to do them well, can make a huge difference. It’s not as simple as clicking ‘join meeting’ – there are ways to take your zoom interview to the next level.

1.Nail your zoom set up

When it comes to video meetings there are two must-do’s – good sound and good lighting. Why? Compromising either will become a distraction for the other person. If they can’t see or hear you properly, it will become the focus of the interview, and take away from the discussion you should be having. With lighting, have the source of light (a lamp or sun) in front of the computer. In other words, the light source should be facing you, to light your face properly. When it comes to sound, the best and easiest option is headphones. They make a huge difference. You don’t need top of the range. Any headphones with a microphone will improve the clarity of sound on both ends.

2.Take advantage of the functions

If you’re someone who doesn’t love zoom, it’s time to find out what you do love and embrace it. One of the key benefits is that there are various features that can be extremely useful. Firstly, the mute button. When your interviewer is speaking and you have background noise happening, mute yourself. This will help the interview to flow and avoid interruptions. Just don’t forget to unmute yourself when it’s your turn to talk. Also, use ‘shared screen’. If you have examples of your work, such as photos or other documents, you can share your screen and show the interviewer. Of course, ask first if they would like to see them – but what a great function to take advantage of!

3.Remember, it’s still an interview!

Even if you still have your slippers on under that desk, don’t forget it’s still an interview. All the usual interview etiquette applies. Be engaged, courteous and take the opportunity to share your experience and skills, and why you’re a great fit for the role. Make sure you arrive a few minutes before your scheduled time, dress as you would for a face-to-face interview, remove any distractions from the room if you can (that includes the cat and dog!) and have your questions ready to ask.

For some, zoom is a new medium and it can feel like not all the same rules apply because you are in the comfort of your home. However, being able to show up and be as professional and interested as you would be face to face, will show the recruiter that you’re serious about the job you have applied for.