5 ways to start loving Mondays

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It might sound like an old cliche, but why do so many dread Mondays? Aside from the obvious of having to put an end to your downtime, what is about starting a new week back at work that takes us from yay to nay?

We truly believe that you can be in a job that you enjoy and doesn’t give you the Monday dread. How can it be done? Here are a few ways you can turn your Mondays around.

1. Friday wind-up

One of the easiest ways to jump into Monday with a smile is to spend some time on Friday wrapping up the week. What does this mean? It means spending time reviewing what is on your to-do list for next week. Getting a handle on what needs to be done on Monday will help you ease into the new week rather than frantically trying to figure out where you left things on Friday. Make it a routine that at the end of every Friday, you write a list of what you need to tackle on Monday.

2. Set the tone

Often the Monday slump can come about because we have had downtime on the weekend, and suddenly we’re thrown back into “doing” mode. Try to set up a morning routine that will help set you up for the new work week. This could be starting the day with a morning walk, meeting a friend or colleague for a coffee before you start work, or even listening to your favourite podcast. Why? It will set the tone and help lift your mood.

3. Write a list for the week

As you make your way through Monday, you should have a better idea of what the rest of the week will look like. Use Monday to plan for the rest of the week. You will feel more in control and motivated when you have a handle on what needs to be done. Treat Monday as a great opportunity to plan and get organised.

4. Book in balance

So, you’ve done all you can to get organised, but you’re still feeling the Monday blues. Another great way to keep the mood up is to book something during your lunch break or after work that will bring work/life balance into the mix. You could go for lunch or a walk with a co-worker, meet a friend for dinner or book into a yoga class or something you enjoy.

5. Check your energy

Finally, remember that what you bring in is what you will get out. Sometimes a bad day can come down to our energy and attitude. If this is you, take five to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? What’s bothering you? Do you really need to be down about being at work? What can you do to turn things around? Sometimes we can forget that we have the power to shift our mood – of course, this isn’t always the case, but often we can feel better simply by checking in, pausing and reframing our attitude.

Mondays don’t have to be hard; in fact, they can become the best day of the week if you tackle them with a bit of organisation and enthusiasm and plan to keep those happy weekend vibes carrying throughout the week.