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Coffee with Laura in Padstow
Laura is National Workforce’s Business Manager in Padstow. With plenty happening in the Padstow br...
Carina isn’t wasting time
Carina is missing working in events and hospitality, but she’s not wasting any time. She is expand...
Gabi has a glass half-full attitude
“It might not seem like it, but the glass is actually half full, and if it’s not then… ...
Coffee with Dodie
We checked in with our Business Manager in Rocklea, Dodie, to find out her top tips for job seekers ...
Laura is excited to get back to working at events
Laura is excited to get back to working at events, but she has used her hospitality experience to ad...
Advice to hospitality workers from an industry expert
“Practice carrying and clearing three plates around your house.” Chrystal has been a much-loved ...
Why we call our hospitality team – ‘The Hospo Collective’
As a significant supplier of hospitality and events staff throughout Australia, the National Workfor...
Kicking goals in Keysborough
Business Manager Khristian, took some time out to share what’s happening in the Keysborough of...
Jobs in Parramatta
Justine Clark from our Parramatta branch shares insights into the job market. Justine, what sort of...